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Monday, January 30, 2012

Star Trek: Voyager Season 5

Star Trek: Voyager Season 5 (1998-1999)
Created by: Rick Berman, Michael Piller, and Jeri Taylor

I know it's not a movie, by my girlfriend and I just finished watching season five of Star Trek: Voyager on Netflix and I felt the need to discuss it a little. How can a show with such depth, great characters, and intriguing plotlines have so many problems? My biggest complaint about Voyager is that many of the most interesting plotlines and character developments are undone by some convenient time traveling. Were the writers worried that if they changed Janeway et al too much over the seven year series that the fans would be outraged and stop watching? The writers did allow for some change: B'Ellanna learns to trust Janeway, Tom begins to settle down, the Doctor becomes a real member of the crew, and Harry gains some command experience, but over the five seasons I've seen so far there has been no major change in any of the main characters. It has long been believed that the way to have a successful and long lived television show is to keep the main characters relatively static. However, I know that a television show can have dynamic characters be successful and long lived because of one of my favorite shows of all time: Lost. I'm not going to tangent too far from Voyager, except to say that Lost taught its audience to appreciate very dynamic character arcs, and allowed all of the main characters to turn into much different characters then they began as in season one. But I have digressed long enough... In general I like Voyager. I just wish it would do less stuff that I don't like. :/

3.5 / 5 stars

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