Dark Shadows (2012)
Directed by Tim Burton
In its opening weekend, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp's eighth collaboration made only $29 million, which makes it the eleventh biggest opening weekend of 2012. In its defense, not even a Norse god can stand up to the Avengers. Any chance of Shadows making a profit on its $150 million budget was swallowed up by Disney's fifth billion dollar film.
I haven't seen its source material, but Burton's film, especially the performances in it, does a good job of evoking the style of a 70's cult classic. The film is cheesy, over the top, and funny. Depp expertly channels the essence of the vampire-out-of-water, yet is able to maintain his humanity through his onscreen chemistry with all of the adult female characters. That man is a ladykiller, even after being dead for 196 years. How does he do it?
However, I found part of the performances to be quite distracting. I will preface this by saying that I adore Helena and Eva, but their American accents left much to be desired. Beyond this fact, the performances were spot on, even though the camp was so thick you could smell it.
The final word: If you're a big fan of Tim Burton you've probably already seen it. If you aren't you should be, so catch a matinee showing for a fun time and some good laughs.
3 out of 5 stars.
Viewed May 15, 2012 at Mt. Pleasant Cinema 6.
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