Since I'm a little late to the discussion party, I'll just list off a few specific reactions and then y'all can let me know if you agree.

TDKR is the fourth fastest film to reach $400 million domestically. It reached that benchmark after 29 days in theaters, eleven days slower than The Dark Knight. I initially predicted that TDKR would track ahead of (or at least pretty close to) TDK and end up with a final domestic gross around $550 million. That was an overly optimistic prediction, but I do still think it should end up close to $500 million.
I motion for TDKR to be renamed Michael Caine Punches the Audience in the Feels. There are very few actors who can make me tear up just by crying themselves, and he just joined that list.
Tom Hardy: aka one scary owl monday to friday.
Twist I didn't see coming: Marion Cotillard revealing herself as Talia al Ghul and the real villain of the film when she stabs Batman in the back.
Twist I did see coming: JGL revealed as Robin/Nightwing. Please please please let this mean we will get to see a Nolan Robin/Nightwing film.
Were you satisfied with Nolan's farewell to Batman? Share your thoughts below!
5 out of 5 stars
Viewed August 17, 2012 at Cinemark 14 in Denton, TX
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