Directed by Andrew Stanton.
I don't remember if I saw Nemo in its original theatrical release back in 2003, so it was a no-brainer that I had to see the 3D re-release in its opening weekend. I do however remember watching it on DVD so many times that that it stopped working (or maybe it just got scratched...)

I know you've seen Nemo in at least two of the D's, if not all three, so instead of doing more review-ish stuff, I'd like to hear your opinion. Yes this is for a grade, and it's due on Friday.
How do you feel about 3D? (I know, it's an old question, but it's still valid.)
Should Disney continue converting its vast collection of animated films? If so, which should be next?
Finding Nemo 2?
5 out of 5 Stars
Viewed September 14, 2012 at Cinemark 14 in Denton, TX.
I'm not a big fan of taking an "old" film and re-releasing it in 3d. Nemo wasn't broke, so they should have left it alone. BUT 3d was great on at least one movie --Avatar! After that, bleh! Agree?
ReplyDeleteThere's not too much that I liked about Avatar, but I do agree that it is one of the better examples of 3D, along with Up, Toy Story 3, Hugo, and Prometheus. And though there's a lot of focus on converting films right now, there are also a fair amount of upcoming films shot in 3D that should be excellent, including Life of Pi, The Hobbit trilogy, and Star Trek Into Darkness (not shot in 3D, but JJ will make sure the conversion is done well).