Directed by Peter Jackson.
Like most fans of Tolkien's legendarium, I have been eagerly awaiting the release of The Hobbit ever since Peter Jackson finished his Lord of the Rings trilogy.

And so I bought my ticket for the midnight release in IMAX 3D the minute they went on sale. My choice to not see it in 48fps was based on the fact that my favorite IMAX theater wasn't showing it in that format. (And though I have seen it a couple more times in the theater, I still haven't seen it in the higher frame rate, so unfortunately I can't discuss that with you all yet.)
So the misses and I arrived at the theater almost three hours early, yet were still 99th in line. We collected our set of five beautiful posters and settled in for a long, exciting wait. The biggest disappointment of the night came for us before the movie began, when we found out that we were at a theater that wasn't showing the Star Trek Into Darkness preview. We got to see the new trailer, but we had been expecting the preview. So thank you, Paramount, for not releasing the list of theaters where the preview would be playing in time for those attending midnight releases to get tickets to showings at those theaters.
I absolutely loved the movie. I can definitely concede the main criticisms of the film (other than the 48fps business), because the film was very long, occasionally slow, and two prefaces may be a little much. However, the acting was phenomenal. The cinematography was amazing. And those mountains take the breath away from the word breathtaking. I would gladly watch a three hour movie made up of solely helicopter shots of New Zealand's landscapes. I would also gladly watch a three hour movie of just the Riddles in the Dark scene. Martin Freeman's Bilbo (which is, dare I say it, even better than Ian Holm's) and Andy Serkis' Gollum are both perfect and a delight to watch interact.
So... Was it perfect? No. Does Jackson have his work cut out for him attendance retention-wise for The Desolation of Smaug? Yes. Will I be in line four hours early for the midnight release on December 13? YES.
Agree? Disagree? Think I'm a load of bunk? Want to prove that someone actually read this? Leave a comment below! :D
4.99 out of 5 Stars
Viewed 12:01 AM December 14, 2012 at Cinemark 17 and IMAX in Dallas, TX.
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