Directed by Marc Webb
So I thought I should probably try to get caught up on some overdue reviews...starting with the oldest. (I saw Spider-Man during its opening weekend... :/ ) So this review may not be totally coherent, but I'm going to give it a try. This is also the beginning of my attempt to stick to a regular schedule! I'm writing this on Monday, but y'all won't be reading it until Wednesday... O.O So happy Wednesday!

As I've said before, I'm really glad that Andrew Garfield was chosen to replace That Other Guy for the reboot. From my understanding of the comics (I haven't read any of the comics) Garfield's goofy Peter Parker is much closer to the original character than That Other Guy's was. I also loved the onscreen chemistry between Garfield and Emma Stone. Imagine how adorable it would be if they were together in real life!
*dies in a suffocating pile of adorableness (which is a lot like getting smothered by tribbles. Literally.)*
What I disliked the most about the film would be The Lizard. Rhys Ifans did a great job providing a Dr. Connors that the audience could sympathize for, but I just don't feel like The Lizard was a big enough villain for the reboot of the franchise.
So yeah. A little rambly (rambly isn't a word? :( oh well.) but keep in mind I'm writing a review for a movie I saw about two months ago. If you find the rambling annoying, let me know and I'll try to keep it to a minimum.
Did you enjoy The Amazing Spider-Man #1? And what are your thoughts/predictions/psychic foreknowledges for #2?
4 out of 5 stars
Viewed July 4, 2012 at Cinema 6 in Mt. Pleasant, TX
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