Warning! This blog may contain film spoilers!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Formats!

So we've been here together for...four months. Four months! That makes this my longest functioning relationship with another human being! Yay!


Anyways....I think things are going pretty well here, but I've had a brilliant idea: give the blog some format! XD
It's not really that exciting...

So far I've just been watching movies and posting reviews (which is ok) but for our relationship (relationship?) to really flourish, it should probably have some formatting. So...

1. I'm going to start posting on a REGULAR SCHEDULE!! I'm thinking Saturdays and Wednesdays? (If that doesn't work I might try out different days.) But...

2. I'll still post important reviews (ie. Skyfall, The Hobbit, etc.) immediately after seeing the films,

3. AND I'll keep posting monthly previews (on the 2nd to last day of the month) and box office reviews (on the 2nd of the month).

4. MOST IMPORTANTLY: I really really really want this blog to be about discussing films, rather than me just shouting my opinions into the void of teh interwebs even though I really love the sound of my own voice. I hate film reviews that solely try to convince the reader to adopt the critics viewpoint. I know I'm not always right, and I know that your opinions are just as important as mine are. So don't be shy, let me know what you think!

I hope y'all like the new formats...(if you don't please let me know!)

Thank you to all my readers in America, Russia, Germany, UK, the Netherlands, Canada, Spain, Vietnam, Australia, and France! (Sorry if I left off your country... Blogger only shows me the ten top countries by number of views.)

Thank you thank you!


(If you have any format suggestions let me know! :D)

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